Michael Johnson
Published 16 August, 2012The five artworks by the artist Michael Johnson, show the different interests of William Penny Brookes. These works were developed with the local community of Much Wenlock, including pupils from the Much Wenlock Primary School and William Brookes School (texts by Paul Francis).

1. Trees
Collecting and planting Trees was a Victorian passion. On the recreation ground, several species were planted for commemorative purposes; they stand as symbols of events, longevity and belief in the future.

2. Industries
Penny Brookes further contributed to the progress of the town by being a key motivator in bringing the railways and the gasworks to Much Wenlock.

3. Botany
The collection and classification of plants was another Victorian passion. Penny Brookes looked closely at the world that contributed to his understanding the effect the environment has on our wellbeing.

4. Culture
The balance of the body between the physical and spiritual was recognised by Penny Brookes and in response he supported the establishment of the Agricultural Reading Rooms, also encouraging music, art and history.

5. Sport
Penny Brookes’ lifelong belief in the benefit of sport is well known and is a core conviction throughout his works.
Photography by www.craigomatic.co.uk
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